FIFA World Cup 2022 Schedule and Scoresheet is an excel spreadsheet to see fixtures of upcoming FIFA Soccer World Cup that will be held from 20th November to 18th December in Qatar.
FIFA took decision to change the start date of the tournament, from November 21st to November 20th, by 11th August 2022.
It is not a popular decision, though. And, FIFA has never modified schedule within 4 four months before the tournament is begun.
This decision has moved Qatar – Ecuador match to become the opening match of the tournament. Previously, they played after Senegal – Netherlands and England – Iran (Group B). With this changes, Senegal – Netherlands will take Qatar – Ecuador previous time slot.
Other matches remain unchanged.

Not in June? Nope. Due to intense summer heat in that month, it will be extremely difficult to hold the tournament in period similar with previous world cup tournaments.
There are 32 teams from 5 continents that will compete to become the best soccer team in the world. And, this is the last tournament with 32 teams. Starting from World Cup 2026, there are 48 teams that will participate in World Cup tournament.
Number of groups int this year tournament are similar with previous World Cup. Eight groups. Teams are grouped as follows :
- Group A : Qatar, Netherlands, Senegal, Ecuador
- Group B : England, Iran, United States, Wales
- Group C : Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Poland
- Group D : France, Australia, Denmark, Tunisia
- Group E : Spain, Costa Rica, Germany, Japan
- Group F : Belgium, Canada, Morocco, Croatia
- Group G : Brazil, Serbia, Switzerland, Cameroon
- Group H : Portugal, Ghana, Uruguay, South Korea
Countries in Bold are seeded countries. All of them are drawed from pot 1.
Fact : Champions in the last 6 previous World Cups, where number of participants are 32 teams, are coming from POT 1
You can personalize language and match time in this spreadsheet to meet your local language and time. All common terms are translated using general translator engine, but you can replace incorrect translation by using custom language table. Also, if you don’t find your city in timezone list, or you found it incorrect, you can adjust it using custom timezone feature in team setup worksheet. There are additional color marker feature you can use to colorize particular team, group or venue.
Beside using it to see World Cup 2022 fixtures, you can use it to track progress of your favorite team during this tournament. There are score fields where you can type actual score results and let the excel formulas calculated group standings and place qualified teams in knock out bracket. The formulas for group standings are based on tie-breaker regulation released by FIFA for this World Cup. There are 8 tie-breaker points as follows :
1. points obtained in all group matches;
2. goal difference in all group matches;
3. number of goals scored in all group matches;
If two or more teams are equal on the basis of the above three criteria, their rankings are determined as follows:
4. points obtained in the group matches between the teams concerned;
5. goal difference in the group matches between the teams concerned;
6. number of goals scored in the group matches between the teams concerned;
7. fair play points (accumulative points from yellow and red cards)
8. drawing of lots by the FIFA Organising Committee.
Excel formulas will rank teams based on regulation 1-6 after you typing scores in particular score boxes. Tie-breaker regulation no 7 requires you to input fair play points in Fair Play Points table in Custom Language worksheet if particular teams are still in tie after running through regulation no 6. If they are still tied, you just need to switch those teams inside group standing table directly.
You can continue to type scores in Knock Out rounds. There are Full Time boxes (Normal Time + Extra Time) and Penalty Kick boxes. Penalty Kick boxes will be revealed if particular matches are tied after Full Time period is completed.
There are conditional formatting formulas that will show group color as well as flag for particular team that advance to the next knock out rounds automatically. You might experience slow process on using the spreadsheet with automatic flag functions. Time delay should vary on different laptop and processor. You can switch to the spreadsheet without that automatic flag functions if you can’t tolerate the delay.
Make sure that you have the latest copy of World Cup 2022 Excel schedule with Qatar – Ecuador match to open the tournament.
World Cup 2022 Schedule - Scoresheet V2.52 (293.4 KiB, 7,499 hits)
If you want to see schedule, updating scoresheet as well as updating its goal scorers to track top scorer of the tournament, you can download World Cup 2022 schedule with top scorer tracker below. It contains official squads from all 32 teams. You just need to select players who score in each matches.
World Cup 2022 Schedule with Top Scorer V2.22 - Free (549.4 KiB, 3,746 hits)
Furthermore, if you are looking for particular spreadsheet to play prediction games with your friends or relatives, you might take a look at World Cup 2022 Office Pool spreadsheet.