Issue Log

A form of issues documentation which is put in a table continuously can be called an Issue Log. The function of this template then stays the same as other record…

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Infant Feeding Log

Just as the name suggests, this Infant Feeding Log template was made to help parents on keeping record and track of their newborn’s feeding time. It may sound simple and…

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Mileage Log

Mileage log is a common record paper sheet to record any vehicle trip for operational use. With this log, respective department, operation department, can monitor their driver working hours while…

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Simple Business Card

For people who have business, or working in a company, Business Card becomes one of important things to keep in hands, particularly for those who often make contacts with partners…

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Delivery Receipt Form

In this modern era, most of people choose to buy all things via online. Why they choose to purchase all things via online? They choose to buy all products via…

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Billing Statement Form

Serving your clients with the great services is how you can build a successful business. The great service makes your clients feel satisfied with your company and they are going…

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