Salary Range Calculator

Salary range is the employer's range of salary to their employees. Depends of employer's business type and scale, they usually will set a minimum pay rate, a maximum pay rate,…

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Hotel Bookkeeping

This hotel bookkeeping spreadsheet template doesn't require its users to understand accounting. Its transaction module is similar with common sales and cash book. You don't have to write your hotel…

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General Journal Template

General journal is an accounting term to record any financial transactions for service businesses and non cash transactions in merchandise and manufacturing business. Its format varies between different businesses. Columns…

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Hotel Reservation Manager

Do you run a hotel? Then, you may need hotel reservation spreadsheet to log all of your guest's reservation to make sure that your room is booked properly. It should…

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Depreciation Calculator

Having too many properties means that we can be regarded as wealthy persons. However, there is one important thing we should be aware of. We need to understand that the…

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