Catering Menu

Catering Menu Template - WordAre you working on your catering or restaurant business and eager to attract more customers to try your menus? Maybe you need an interesting Catering Menu to do it. This menu takes form of a food and drink list which is available on your service. The purpose of this Catering Menu is clearly stated: giving portrayal for the customers about what they can order to your company. As a buyer, we all need to know what we can buy according to our taste and, of course, our budget.

Besides, Catering Menu can also be a solution to draw the customers’ attention. But, in what way can you do it? Surely by providing complete and good-looking menu list.

Catering Menu is not entirely about the names of foods and drinks which become your product. It also contains other important details, such as the following:
• The price of each food and drink
• The picture of several cuisines and beverages; which are beneficial to attract the customers to order them
• Phone number or other kinds of contacts which can be used by the customers to make get in touch with you or your company. For example: a phone number to order foods.
• Short description about each food and beverage; if there is still enough space

Finding and Using Catering Menu Template

Catering Menu creation can be done through various programs in your computers. One of the simplest is Microsoft Office Word. Set an internet connection in your computer, launch the program and choose new document. Give a click on ‘list’ template and pick the ‘menus’. There will be some options available. Choose one of them and click ‘download’; the template is ready to edit in your page. Directly type your menus in this template to create a Catering Menu. Edit some parts of it if you find it uninteresting; such as the picture, background picture/color, font, etc. If you couldn’t find ones, you can download the free catering menu template below.

CHECK THIS TEMPLATE >  Certificate of Membership

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