Men’s Olympic Football 2024 Sweepstake

Men’s Olympic Football 2024 Office Pool is an excel spreadsheet equipped with excel formula to reward points and rank players who involved in this Olympic Football prediction game. With this spreadsheet, you can collect prediction from all of your friends and track their earned points after each match is completed. There are 32 matches, divide into 24 group matches and 8 knock out round matches. France is become a favorite to win this tournament, as a host. They’ve won it in Olympic 1984.

Mens Olympic Football 2024 Office Pool

To use the spreadsheet is simple,

Set your prediction game regulation in setup worksheet.

  1. You must set points that can be earned by any players who predict match outcome correctly. You can differentiate points for group and knock out round matches. There are 3 point level that can be customized. You can reduce it into 2 point level by putting similar point for regulation number 2 and 3.
  2. Set bonus points that can be earned by any players if specific conditions are met. There are 6 conditions in this office pool game. You can set it to zero if you don’t want to apply this bonus point regulation
  3. Set score prediction point system for knock out round. If you set it to be based on prediction matches, all qualified teams in knock out round in each player boxes will be based on player’s prediction. If you set it to be based on real matches, then all qualified teams will be based on actual teams

Type player names in Participant List worksheet

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Type player prediction scores in Player Game Board worksheet

  1. Type your player prediction scores in respective player boxes. You can see player names on top of the table.
  2. If you set your game to be based on player prediction matches, you can type all prediction scores at once

Type actual scores in Player Game Board worksheet

  1. You will see tournament actual scores table at the left side of this worksheet. Type actual scores in particular score boxes. Excel formula will take care team ranks in group standings as well as placing qualified teams in correct brackets after all group matches are completed

Track your players in Player Leaderboard worksheet

You will see your player ranks going up and down based on actual results that you have typed.

If you need more information about how to use it, or want to extend it to accommodate more features and players, you can proceed to purchase from the About worksheet tab or visit the author site to get more information about this Men’s Olympic Football 2024 Office Pool game.

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