Play prediction game with FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 Sweepstake spreadsheet. It is a feature-rich excel template you can use to play office pool or prediction game with your friends, relatives and colleagues offline or online.
This 2023 Women’s World Cup Predictor Game template has many features you can choose and customize to make playing prediction games more fun while watching this tournament. It is basically similar with the Men’s prediction game version since this year Women’s tournament accommodates 32 teams and follow all Men’s World Cup regulation.
With this spreadsheet you can choose to predict scores by actual matches or by your player’s predictions.
If you are new to this spreadsheet (it has been around for more 20 years), you can set it as one prediction game where player predicts once and see their standings after every matches. What is the meaning of predicting once? It means, people predict score for all group matches, see their own group standings, and then continue to fill the scores for their own knock out teams. Also, there are point bonuses that they can get for particular cases, like number of qualified teams, correct champion prediction etc.
You can download FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 Sweepstake or Prediction Game spreadsheet at the bottom of this post.
Here are short instructions on how to use this spreadsheet.
1. Set Game Scenario and Points

You need to set your game before using this spreadsheet regularly. Important option is setting up the game to be based on actual matches or player’s prediction matches. It you set it based on player’s prediction matches, you can collect your player’s predictions once. It should fit people who doesn’t have much time to spare their time to organize it regularly during World Cup 2023 event.
You can adjust points for those score prediction parts either in group stage or knock out stage. There are three level of points where you can play around with those points to simulate your level of point rewards. You can set it to have two level of points or even one level only.
There are bonus points table. You can apply this bonus points by typing your own points or ignoring it by typing zero. There are 15 bonus points criteria you can use in your office pool game.
2. Fill Participants

Type your player names in this worksheet. Do not type similar names or the formulas will give you error message. You can differentiate it by adding number or letter or typing it in different way.
3. Translate Team Names (Optional)
Use this worksheet if you want to translate team names to your own language. Just replace the name in Country Name table with your own translation. But, only country names that can be changed here. If you want to change titles and other terms, you can overwrite it directly in respective table headers.
There is a Fair Play points table you can use to put fair play points if your standings have to go through that tie breaker. You may need this table if in actual matches, group standings must be decided by this tie-breaker.
4. List Selected Best Player and Top Scorer
You can predict best player and top scorer and get more points for correct prediction. You can list best player and top scorer after you receiving prediction from your players. This table will act as a dropdown table reference to avoid any miscalculation because incorrect player names for similar player.
5. Record Prediction Scores | Write Actual Results in Game Board

This is the worksheet where you can write all of your players score predictions as well as its actual tournament result. You can see all player match and bonus points in this worksheet. You can also see your player’s prediction KO pairing teams in each player tables (if you set the game to be based on player’s prediction matches).
6. Track Earning Points by Player Names
You can track earning points for each player for all 64 matches where they are sorted by player entry order.
7. Track Score Predictions by Player Names

You can see all score predictions from all of your players in this worksheet. And, there is a Top 3 most scores prediction table for all 64 matches you can see on top of player scoreboard table. With this additional features, you can track what the popular prediction scores.
8. Track Leaderboard

Use player leaderboard worksheet to track and monitor your players position after each completed match (Do not forget to type the actual result in Game Board worksheet). They will be ranked by :
Higher total points (match + bonus points) Higher number of correct predictions Higher total match points Entry order in Player Scoreboard worksheet
You can also see the last 5 earning points for each players.
You can try the free Women’s World Cup 2023 Office Pool spreadsheet below that can accommodate up to 10 players with limited features. All worksheets are protected. You can purchase the paid version to accommodate up until 100 players and use all available features. There are Googlesheets versions as well.
Women's World Cup 2023 Predictor Game - Free Version (1.6 MiB, 722 hits)
It requires a minimum Microsoft Excel 2007 for Windows and Microsoft Excel 2008 for Mac.
Have fun.